Information and communication technology: new teaching trends in physical education


  • Tiago Cesar Fuzaro Universidade de São Paulo, EEL/Lorena - SP
  • Eduardo Ferro dos Santos Universidade de São Paulo, EEL/ Lorena - SP
  • Marco Aurélio Alvarenga Monteiro Universidade do Estado de São Paulo, Guaratinguetá - SP




This study exposes information of international scope regarding the adaptations that have been occurring in the ​​Physical Education (PE) area added to the inexorable link with Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) related to the scientific research of the last 14 years. The purpose of this article was to inquire about research opportunities and trends in the Physical Education field. For this purpose, a bibliometric research was used in the Web of Science and Scopus platforms, as well as the careful and investigative reading of the most cited articles according to these databases. The three main trends for future research relating ICTs and PE were identified in the gap analysis of the most cited articles, with three major groups standing out: the creation and standardization of the material (s) and method (s) "CSMM"; research focusing on the student (s) “FOS”; and research with a greater focus on the teacher (s) “FOT”. In this way, it is suggested that the new researches follow such strands of study, successfully extolling the scientific area in the multiple possible relationships between ICTs and PE.

Keywords: Information and communication technology. Teaching. Physical education.


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How to Cite

FUZARO, T. C.; SANTOS, E. F. dos; MONTEIRO, M. A. A. Information and communication technology: new teaching trends in physical education. REVISTA INTERSABERES, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 37, p. 306–327, 2021. DOI: 10.22169/revint.v16i37.1969. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.