Analysis of the use of gamification as educational process in the Teachiing of biology and chemisttry
Metodologias Ativas, Protagonismo discente, Interdisciplinaridade.Abstract
The insertion of different didactic methodologies has become a recurrent factor in the teaching and learning process, which can arouse interest and commitment in students during the process. The present study has the objective of developing an interdisciplinary evaluation process, through Gamification, among the curricular components Biology and Chemistry involving students from a class of Fundamental Teaching in the Final Years of a private school in the city of São Mateus/ES, with the aim of promoting participation and protagonism. The process was carried out over the course of a quarter through different stages of Gamification. The results will show that, as the stages elapsed, the students will show interest and commitment, showing the expected participation in the teaching and learning process. We conclude that exploring the different possibilities and elements that Gamification makes possible contribute significantly to intrinsically and extrinsically motivating students in the course of an educational process, enhancing participation and levels of commitment along the way.
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