Pensamento computacional através do Scratch numa perspectiva Maker
The present work deals with the creation of a maker culture in the school space through the use of Scratch software as an educational tool in Elementary Education, aimed at the development of computational thinking, such as teaching logic, programming, with a group of 5th grade students. of elementary school in the early years of a Municipal School, promoting creativity, playfulness, content production and collaborative work among students. The objective is to analyze how Scratch enhances the development of computational thinking in elementary school students in the early years of a Rural School in the city of Olinda-PE. Through the creation of Maker Space, as a proposal to insert the Maker culture in the classroom. Aiming at the student's participation in a critical, ludic and collaborative way. The results show that the use of the Scratch software provided students with a stimulus and curiosity to learn the creation of digital games, logic and programming and the development of computational thinking. The qualitative methodology used, employing semi-structured interviews and participant observation, mediated by challenges, questions and problems. They were challenged to create digital games and interactive stories, with the characters of the games created. The students showed interest, curiosity and spontaneity when solving the proposed problems. It was observed that Scratch is an important ally in the process of creative learning, making the student actively participate, since he works in the apprentice, something that was considered essential in
learning, which is motivation. The use of Scratch about computational thinking is fundamental for the school to create spaces for the development of programs such as Scratch that awakens in students the maker culture “doing it with your own hands” putting your hands together and being knowledge creators, while rather than passive consumers.
Keywords: Scratch. Culture maker. Computational thinking.
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