A inclusão social e cultural de educandos com deficiências e Transtornos Globais do Desenvolvimento (TGD) no ensino regular
The learning of students in the acceleration classes in regular education requires pedagogical changes in the teachers’ practice. Therefore, it is necessary to be guided by concepts that favor social and cultural inclusion and the definition of priorities for the teaching and learning process. The article aims to identify the perception of school agents and students concerning social and cultural inclusion, considering the students’ reality. The research had a qualitative approach, based on Triviños (1987), Freire (1996), Mantoan (2003), Arroyo & Silva (2012), Blanco (2003) among others, and involved observations in the pedagogical practice of teachers in the classroom, in meetings with parents, in the student evaluation board meetings and semi-structured interviews with teachers and students. The research field was an acceleration class (6th and 7th Years of Elementary School) in a public school in the state of Paraná. The material for the research used as reference Physical Education, Mathematics, History, Portuguese, Geography, and Science subjects. The results showed that: adverse conceptions overlapped with favorable ones regarding the social and cultural inclusion of students, which interfered in the learning process; the pedagogical practice and monitoring of students tend to prioritize specific aspects of the pedagogical practice to the detriment of its dimension of totality. There is evidence of the belief that students do not learn because they do not dedicate themselves to their studies or that they have disabilities and disorders that prevent them from learning. There is also a lack of teachers’ knowledge about the concept of flexible curriculum, curriculum adaptation and assessment, cited in the literature. It was also noticed an emphasis on learning centered on content teaching, making it difficult for students to build critical, reflective and creative thinking in the teaching and learning process.
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